Monday, November 11, 2013

Lucy is 4 months

I desperately wish I could stop time and keep Lucy a tiny baby, but she's already 4 months and so much fun! Here's what she's been up to:
She loves playing patty cake!

 She has been really intrigued by her right hand for the past few weeks. She studies and studies it. But not the left... she doesn't care about that hand!
 She plays in the exersaucer for a few minutes at a time. It's very stimulating, though, so she gets a little worn out after about 10 minutes. These were taken the first time she gave it a try.
She sits up better in the bumbo seat, but she slowly slumps forward farther and farther after a while. She loves to watch me while I'm cooking dinner, though.
 Here is Lucy at 4 months old. She weighs 12 lbs. 2 oz. Which is about the 10th percentile. She is 23 in. long. Head circumference is 15".
She is sleeping better lately. She almost always sleeps about 6 or 7 hours from when I put her to bed around 8:30 p.m. But sometimes she surprises me and gives me more! She still sleeps all swaddled up tight (our little "tootsie roll"). Her favorite thing to do lately is to roll over onto her tummy. She has rolled back a few times, but mostly she just gets stuck on her tummy. After a few minutes she spits up a little and then rubs her face in it repeatedly until we rescue her, wipe her face, and put her on her back... to start the process all over again! Lately she gets a little worried about new places and being held by people other than mom or dad. She gets her little lip into a great pout and then gives quite a scowl! It's pretty cute now... might not be as cute in a year or two.


Lawrence Family said...

Oh my goodness Lucy is so dang cute!!! I miss you guys...can't wait to see you next month!!!

Samantha said...

I love that she ignores her other hand, baby quirks are the best!