Sunday, October 12, 2008

I will never lay sod again!

We have finally finished laying sod in the yard. Justin and I laid 1200 sq. ft. by ourselves on Thursday evening and Friday. I think it took about 6 or 7 hours in all. I feel like I spent the whole time hurrying Justin along because he always wants to smooth out the dirt perfectly (too perfectly, if you ask me) and remove every bit of gravel before it goes down. Hopefully we'll have better grass for it. We're glad to have it done. I told Justin we'll either never build a new house to landscape or we'll hire out the yard to completion. Along with the main area, there was a small corner that we had to finish on the other side too. Here are the before and after pics.

Right after laying sod, we quickly packed up and went to Logan for the weekend. What a crazy day! It was nice to visit family again. Nolan had a good time bonding with Grandma Kathi.
And lastly, I've been tagged by my sister-in-law Jodi. My answers will be brief, but here it goes:
10 years ago, I... was about to turn 15. I was boy crazy (but never talked to any) and still wore glasses (no contacts or laser surgery yet).
5 things on today's "to do" list: visit the Petersen grandparents, have dinner with the Moulton grandparents, attend our ward split meeting, empty the dishwasher, and read the scriptures
5 places I have lived: in St. George growing up, in Provo as a single BYU student, in Logan attending USU, in Taylorsville before our home was built, and our current place (first home) west of Salt Lake City.
5 jobs I've had: selling tickets to Tuacahn's Festival of Lights, as a consultant for professors at BYU, at Jamba Juice, as an aide and after school counselor for an elementary school, as a substitute teacher just before having Nolan
7 Random/Weird facts about me:
1. I'm a picker... I can't help but love a good zit!
2. I gave a monologue in an off-broadway show in New York City (age 17)
3. I've been trying to stop popping my knuckles since 5th grade (I've given up trying recently; a physical therapist promised it won't cause arthritis... hope he's right!)
4. I used to want to be in Riverdance; I even learned Irish dancing at BYU
5. I can slowly assume headstand position using my stomach muscles and no wall and then hold it (a yoga pose)
6. I have a feeling I'll have all boys
7. I rarely ever have dreams but while I was employed at Jamba Juice, I once sleep talked the following with Justin one night: I said, "You can't handle it." He said, "handle what, honey?" I then replied, "Frozen fruit!"
I'll tag a few people but don't feel obligated... Ashley, Jen, and Amber!


terrah said...

Laying sod is one of those things that it's so nice when it's over! You should have let us know-- we would have helped! We did all ours ourselves, after work every day for 5 days. It was the pits! But everyone was doing their yards then, so we were all in the same boat. It looks good!

And, your frozen fruit sleep-talking made me laugh!

Errin said...

hey good job! Your lawn looks awesome!

Lacey said...

Hey you!! I haven't talked to you forever! I can't believe you guys went to Logan the same night you laid your sod!! You should have waited for us to help you out!! I was going to call to have you come over to visit today but Kendyll woke up in the night with a sore throat and croup sounding cough....uggh!! Guess it will be a grand day of staying home today! Can't wait to see your yard! Loves!!

Monica said...

you are too funny! And yea - laying sod is no fun. Don't tell your husband that your grass still would have turned out great with a few rocks in it and slight uneven dirt. It is actually quite forgiving.

Samantha said...

You should have called us for help with the sod, at least it's all done!

Brianne said...

Kenzee you make me laugh. I love the facts about you. I am a picker too!! Sad, but true. Your yard looks great, but you should've let us know. We could've helped you out!

I hope you had fun on your weekend getaway. Glad you're still in my ward :)

Jodi said...

The yard is looking good! I enjoyed your tag answers! I think there is a "picker" in every relationship. Rich is ours. And I've lived with Justin and think you're right... he can't handle frozen fruit! j/k That was so funny!

The Morreys said...

I bet it feels good to be done with the sod. It looks great!! I'm a picker too, though not as bad as I used to be (thanks to Kyle's reluctance to be "operated on"). I used to want to be a dermatologist or a PA for one because I enjoyed it so much. Weird huh?!

neil and aubs said...

Wow, the yard looks awesome. I'm sure that was a ton of work! The fruit story was great! I had to tell Neil because I say things in my sleep and he will laugh at me the next day because I won't remember and they usually don't make sense!

Kami said...

well your lawn looks great! Sorry you didn't have help, but then again maybe you would have bits of gravel underneath :)

Unknown said...

Your yard looks great! At least Justin helped you, I would be afraid that it would be me out there all alone. Danny does not do yard work.

Anonymous said...

You should have asked for some help! Russ just laid sod with his siblings for his parents and it went so quick because there were about 10 of them doing it. At least it is done and Nolan can now play in the backyard!

Kristi the Book Lady said...

Hey Kenzee...I was so happy to come across your blog! It sounds like you guys are doing great! Your little guy is the cutest thing ever! Excellent job with the sod BTW.