Today was Ezra's 18 month check-up. He weighs 19 lb. 11 oz. which puts him under the 3rd percentile in weight. He is in the 35th percentile for height and his head circumference must have measured normal because the doctor didn't mention it. He's our little peanut but the doctor didn't act worried, even when I mentioned that he eats like a bird. The great news about being 18 months is that he is finally legal in nursery! He did great his first week... let's just hope it continues.
Monday, December 20, 2010
18-month Ezra
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Card
Consider yourself greeted! We hope everyone out there has a magical week and a wonderful celebration with family and other loved ones. We are so grateful for all that we've been blessed with, and we're especially glad for this time of year when we can focus a little more on Christ and His sacrifice for us. Happy Christmas, everyone!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Santa's Lap
We had a quick visit with Santa today at our nearby clubhouse. Wow, Santa's beard sure has gotten thick. We couldn't even hear what he was saying under all of that fluff. And Mrs. Clause must be giving him a few too many cookies... there was very little room left on his lap for the children to sit. But all of that aside, Nolan told Santa that he wants a "big, big, giant motorcycle" and Ezra didn't cry so that's about all we could hope for. Ezra does say "ho, ho , ho" very well, but didn't share that talent with Santa.
While Justin was out of town last week, I took the boys to see the lights at temple square. Why go without the Daddy, you ask? Well, I asked Justin if he wanted to go a week ago and he said, "But I just get so, so cold." I guess he really is from San Diego! But we had a nice time and even enjoyed dinner at The Lion House. It was a balmy 40 degrees and drizzled on us a bit, but it was a good night compared to when it's typically 25 degrees.
And here's a look at our snow tunnel from last week's storm. Quite impressive and still standing (barely) 7 days later. We were all excited for Ez to wake up so that we could show him, but he wasn't that impressed. He must take after Justin because he was too cold and started crying about 3 minutes in. I'd cry, too, if I refused to keep gloves on! Justin tried making it through but had to reverse out. I was in the middle of baking but was talked into going through. And no, this is NOT an announcement... I am not pregnant although the picture would suggest otherwise.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tubing Video
It took us a while to get the video of Nolan tubing off of Justin's phone, but we figured Grandma K would especially love it. Better late than never!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Pretty Girl
Last night at tithing settlement, our bishop asked Nolan if he was planning to serve a mission. Nolan said, "Yeah, I will go on a mission to Brazil and I'll find a pretty girl in a black dress." We're thinking we need to tell him a little bit more about the actual purpose of an LDS mission!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Turkey Day
First of all, welcome winter! Here's Nolan playing on our 4 ft. snow hill. We're thinking of making some kind of fort.
This year, Justin's father's side of the family rented a cabin in Park City for Thanksgiving weekend. We met up with them at The Canyons to enjoy a fabulous "Turkey Day" buffet. Justin and I were thinking it felt odd to be going out to eat, but as soon as we laid eyes on the food we both decided that we could get used to it! There was too much... I didn't even have a chance to try everything. Nolan and Ezra loved the miniature kids buffet, especially all the fruit and chocolate sauce. The kids surprised us by behaving pretty well so it was a wonderful meal. Thanks to Grandma P. who made it possible! We spent the rest of the afternoon at the cabin visiting and letting our boys play with their 3 and 5 yr. old uncles (Justin's little brothers).
On Friday morning we drove up again, and I headed straight for the outlets and found some sweet deals. It was the first time I've been shopping on Black Friday. I think one of these times I might like to go early in the morning or start at midnight. After lunch, Justin took Nolan tubing at Gorgoza Park. It was pretty fun, but also very crowded. We were thinking that it would be fabulous to go this weekend instead. So if any of you are interested in some family fun, head up there. They have a conveyer belt that drags you and your tube up the hill. Justin and Nolan had to stick to the shorter hills, but Nolan had a ball! I even wore Justin's coat (so that it had the pass on) and took Nolan down for the last run. We couldn't all go at the same time because kids have to be 3 years old, but we did drag Ezra around and he just laughed and laughed.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lots of gears this weekend
On Saturday Justin watched the boys while I went to the temple to do baptisms with the youth. I think that in those 4 hours he realized how bored the kids really are with their toys. He got it in his head that he wanted to take Nolan to the store and pick out a toy that they could enjoy together. Justin has been irritated that I buy the boys little treats or toys as surprises every now and then. He says, "No wonder they love you more!" So we all headed out (despite a coming snow storm) in search of Daddy/Nolan bonding time. First we had a delicious dinner at Pizza Hut where Nolan begged for salad and ate the whole thing. At Wal-Mart, I shopped for food while the boys scowered the toys for the perfect thing. Apparantly Christmas is too long to wait!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Excellent Evening
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Happy Birthday to my Honey
For Justin's birthday, Grandma K (his mom) came down and watched the boys so that we could have a full 24 hours away from the screaming, jabbering, whining little boys and stress of everyday life. We went on a short hike, ate at P.F. Chang, saw a wonderful choir concert on temple square, did a sealing session, had a fancy breakfast at the hotel, and went to Ballet West's Carmina Burana. The best part was having a normal conversation with my good husband - not about the kids and free of interruption.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Fun Night
It was fun trick-or-treating for at least a good hour. Nolan never got tired or cold and finally I told him we needed to head home so that we had time to go see Uncle Daren and Noel's "haunted house." They made up a large canopy tent as a mini haunted house. They really do an amazing job and it was good to have a short visit with their family. Nolan and Ez were so brave and we even went through a second time to study all of the details. We're sad to be done with Nolan's "scary bones face" - even though it had a naughty effect on his personality (he's trouble enough already). But mostly I'm sad that October is over. It's definitely my favorite month. Here are the highlights. I uploaded a little smaller than usual so if any of you didn't realize, you can click and they'll get bigger.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Halloween
Nolan's very first preschool program was so much fun. We all enjoyed it - even Ezra, who you can occasionally hear squealing in the background of the video. We recorded the whole thing and have made a little movie out of some of the highlights. We mostly just wanted to make sure that all the grandparents out there had a chance to see him performing. Our favorite part is when Nolan asks for a little audience participation.
Monday, October 25, 2010
He's walking!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Nightmare at Church
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
One last taste of Summer
October Conference
New Bike
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Just before running a quick errand I had to go back in the house for something. When I got back in the van Nolan said, "Look Mom, we're brothers!" Here is what I turned around to see:
These brothers like watching for trucks, playing Legos, wrestling with Dad, and watching VeggieTales.
We finally got the pool out this year. I know we're a little late, but Nolan still had a good time. Ezra splashed a little but he took his "swimming" very seriously. We got it put away just in time, too. Today is the last official day of Summer and it's now 65 degrees and raining. Goodbye Summer!
Nolan doesn't really take naps too often anymore, but sometimes he can't help but sack out in the late afternoon. After building a "cave" with the couch cushions, this is how I found him. I took a quick picture and then repositioned him before all the blood could flow to his head. As I'm looking at this picture now, it seems like Nolan could have used a potty break before falling asleep!
And Ezra even found a place on the floor to curl up and rest. I just want to kiss those little lips!
Last of all, here's yet another favorite place that Ezra likes to kick back and relax:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Ez Stats
Warning: one for the journal, not entertainment:
Went to Ezra's 15-month checkup today. Turns out he has gained about 6 oz. in the past 6 weeks since his last weight check, for a grand total of 18 lbs. (My sister's 2-month-old baby only weighs about 3 lbs. less!) That puts Ez around the 1st or 2nd percentile. The doctor said there's no need to continue weight checks since it's most likely genetic. And I know that Ez eats quite a bit so I'm not worried. Oddly enough, I always thought Nolan was heavier and never dipped that low on the percentile chart. However, I reread my post from his 15-month checkup and realized that that is when he finally went above the 10th percentile. So maybe when Ez gets walking he'll gain some weight like his brother did. He's around the 30th percentile for height.
He wasn't happy about shots today. First time a sucker hasn't cheered him up. It's good to have his flu vaccine taken care of already. It sure beats waiting in line at 5 a.m. like last year to get the H1N1 for the family. It's so nice that it's all in one vaccine this year.
And for my memory's sake: Developmentally Ezra seems to be doing well. He says several words: ma ma, da da, bye-bye ("buh buh" while waving), uh-oh, uh-uh (as in "no" and shakes his head), and he knows the sounds for a monkey, dog, and chicken. He absolutely loves animals. He makes high-pitched squealing sounds when he sees a kitty and gets so happy when they approach. He's getting close to walking. He has taken several "first steps" but hasn't really progressed beyond that. It's always two steps and then falling forward or turning to jelly legs. He's a lot more cautious than Nolan ever was. But he's so darn fast at crawling (forward AND backward AND in circles... very funny!) that he probably sees no use in walking even though he'd be capable if he wanted to. It's hard to imagine him walking because he's such a little tiny Ezra-Doodle!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Secret Hideaway
Here is Ezra's favorite new place to cause a little trouble. It's always a race to see who can get to the cereal bags first. It's a big mess if Mom loses! I think he would eat cereal all day long if I let him. He'll go for the cereal cupboard right after eating a meal, as if he's still starving. You'd think it would help him gain a little weight, but we haven't had much luck in that area yet. I love the innocent face, like he's saying, "Don't worry Mom, I won't cause you any trouble." I'm not buyin' it!
First Preschool Project
Here's the first project that I've completed now that Nolan is away at preschool 3 days a week. Actually, I'm realizing that Ezra takes way more attention than Nolan. Does anyone do preschool for 1-yr.-olds?