Monday, October 25, 2010

He's walking!

It's official, walking is now Ezra's preferred way of getting around. He has sure taken his time, especially since he is 16 months old, but now he is lovin' it! He took his first steps a few weeks ago, but he was quite timid and is just now feeling confident. Even though he's a late walker, he still seems so tiny to be up on his feet. He weighs in at just above 18 lbs. He is definitely thrilled with himself!


Brianne said...

Such a cute little walking guy. Love those smiles.

Oh and that story did sound like a nightmare at church...that will be one Sunday you'll never forget.

Unknown said...

So fun! He is getting so big! I can't believe he is 16 months old WOW :)

Steve and Kirsten said...

I love it when they first start's so fun to see them. Now you're really going to be busy with him being upright : ).

Monica said...

That is so exciting. He does seem so ittybitty to be walking around - but adorable. I'm sure with an older brother to follow around he is anxious to start keeping up.

Tracy said...

NO WAY!!! Where did the time go! So cute!

john and amber said...

Yea for Ez!! He was so adorable walking around as Tigger. :) Love those cute pics of him, so excited for himself and his new success!