Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Halloween

Nolan's very first preschool program was so much fun. We all enjoyed it - even Ezra, who you can occasionally hear squealing in the background of the video. We recorded the whole thing and have made a little movie out of some of the highlights. We mostly just wanted to make sure that all the grandparents out there had a chance to see him performing. Our favorite part is when Nolan asks for a little audience participation.


Julie and Mitch Cox said...

I love the video. I am glad you posted it. It was fun too watch.

Lacey said...

His little audience participation cracked me up!! He is hilarious!! Not shy at all!!

Lawrence Family said...

He wasn't going to go on until someone answered why... haha....he is so dang funny!!!!

john and amber said...

So cute! Jaxon loved watching it with me. Nolan is such a funny boy. Yea for preschool! :)