Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fun Night

It was fun trick-or-treating for at least a good hour. Nolan never got tired or cold and finally I told him we needed to head home so that we had time to go see Uncle Daren and Noel's "haunted house." They made up a large canopy tent as a mini haunted house. They really do an amazing job and it was good to have a short visit with their family. Nolan and Ez were so brave and we even went through a second time to study all of the details. We're sad to be done with Nolan's "scary bones face" - even though it had a naughty effect on his personality (he's trouble enough already). But mostly I'm sad that October is over. It's definitely my favorite month. Here are the highlights. I uploaded a little smaller than usual so if any of you didn't realize, you can click and they'll get bigger.


David and Amy said...

I LOVE the pumpkin carving face!

Megan Young said...

Looks like a lot of fun--and I just saw some of Nolan's preschool video, too--so stinkin' cute!

Lawrence Family said...

Wow...you guys had lots of fun in October!!! Tigger and Skeleton are so dang cute!!!! I miss you guys tonz!!!

Monica said...

What a cute skeleton - perfect boy costume! Looks like you made the most of the holidays!

Brianne said...

What fun things you did last month. Looks like you kept plenty busy with those two cute munchkins. Love their costumes...so cute.

john and amber said...

Such fun pictures! I love October, too. That haunted house looked like it was so much fun.

Mrs. Lay said...

I love October, too. But at least there's Christmas to look forward to when October ends.

I might've asked you this before, but what do you use to edit your pictures & put them together. It's way cute for a blog!