Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We've been reading about Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty in Nolan's picture Book of Mormon. Well, today was a rough day for Nolan. He spent lots of time in time-out and wasn't done when I had to go to Young Women. I gave him a tight squeeze before I left, but apparantly it wasn't enough. Justin said he was upset for nearly an hour later because I hadn't given the required "love and kiss." I forgot the kiss. Big oops. Justin kept trying to calm him down by giving him options of things to do. Nolan finally said, "I have no liberty! I don't want to make any choices!" It's good to know that he pays attention during scripture time. Nice application, buddy. And yes, I gave him plenty of kisses when I got back.


Britt said...

I'm interested, what scripture book is it? I would love a scripture book with pictures to help with scripture study for my kids.
Brittani Brown Terry

Aceneth Warner said...

my kids and I are literally laughing out loud!! He is such a smart boy, funny too!

Justin and Kenzee said...

Hi Brittani -
I wasn't sure how to get in touch with you... hopefully you get this. The book we use is called Book of Mormon Stories that the church put out many years ago. You can find it at the church distribution center or Deseret Book for around 7 or 8 dollars. It has a picture of Nephi and his brothers building the ship on the front.

Monica said...

What a smart little boy. He's going to pick up on everything - watch out. He reminds me of Paige in lots of ways (which means you might need someone to vent to every now and then - you can always call me).

Brianne said...

That kid kills me! Ha!

john and amber said...

That's hilarious. Although I'm sure it was frustrating for Justin, that is pretty sweet that Nolan was so sad from not getting his proper hugs and kisses from his mama. :)