Saturday, May 28, 2011

Praise to the Man

For the past year or so, Nolan's favorite song has been "Praise to the Man." He was so pleased when our Primary began practicing it for the sacrament meeting presentation. Here is Nolan's rendition, including a somewhat inappropriate "dance break" in the middle.


Monica said...

That is awesome! He does a great job - and the dancing while singing - what talent! Loved the closing shot with Ezra on the computer desk! Gotta love these little ones.

hummingbird said...

That was sooo cute! I've heard it a few times now but the dance really made it for me Wow! I love those boys!!

Lawrence Family said...

When Nolan sang that song to me on the phone I had no idea that he had dance moves to go along with it!!!! Wow...that kid is amazing...I wish the Sunbeams in our ward could sing like that!!!