Thursday, May 19, 2011

School Boy

First of all, I got the results back from my second biopsy. It was the exact same information (dermatofibroma, a scarring-type lesion that may have resulted from a bug bite). I'm more than a little annoyed that we had to pay for the whole thing twice, but I guess I need to focus on the fact that it's nothing serious. As the remaining part of my fingernail grows, I will eventually have no nail left (probably in the next three months). At that point it will be a long wait to see if any new nail will begin to grow.

Now on to something more fun: I just thought I would do a little post about what a good boy my Nolan has been lately. He loves preschool again, and has been the best helper around the house. He did a great job helping us plant our garden last week, too. Here is my handsome boy on his way out the door to preschool. He insisted on the boots and 3-D glasses.

Here is some of his fantastic artwork. He is always drawing monster trucks, complete with flags, a number, and a long ladder for the driver to climb.

He draws some great cargo trains, too.

And here are the sweet presents I received from the boys on Mother's Day.


Samantha said...

I'm glad your finger problem isn't anything serious, though it sure is frustrating that it took them two tries to be sure. I hope it feels better soon. Nolan looks awesome in his glasses and boots!

Brianne said...

Love the glasses and boots...what a funny kid. He's doing great with his drawings as well.

Glad your diagnosis is good on your finger.

amber and john said...

It's been way too long since I read blogs. So fun to see your pictures from Easter, St. George, Park City, etc.

Nolan is such a cute school boy! I can't believe these boys are finished with their first year of preschool! They're growing up so fast.

I'm so glad the news was good with your finger!