Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nolan's Bean Jar

When summer started, I instituted a lima bean jar. Nolan can earn beans for doing all kinds of "jobs" for me. He earns beans if he happily gets dressed, does his coloring/workbooks, picks up toys, helps stir the brownie mix (yeah, that one is really hard work!), is a good boy at Wal-Mart, etc. My favorite job that he does for me is reading to Ezra. We find all the books that are the most simple and then they point to the pictures together. It is such a big help, even if it's only 8 to 10 minutes, when I'm trying to make dinner and Ez would typically be whining at my feet.

Nolan filled up his bean jar for the first time last week. It took him about 6 weeks but he was persistant. I let him pick a toy that was less then $10. He's pretty happy with his rescue truck/trailer with snowmobile. Way to go, little helper! The bean jar is also great for threatening to take beans away if he's acting up. Whatever works!

1 comment:

amber and john said...

Love the bean jar idea! That picture is so sweet of them reading together. Love those moments!