Monday, April 28, 2014

Lucy in April

Lucy keeps growing and is getting around quick these days. At the beginning of April (9 months) she discovered how to get up on her knees. She has also started crawling around the entire house, rather than sticking to a small area that we put her in. She loves to explore! The boys like to take her with them to play. I don't blame them... she's pretty fun!
Oh no, she found some Legos!

 Up on her knees in her crib. She is pretty proud of herself!

 She was very curious about this pineapple on the floor (not sure why it was there in the first place).

 First teeny, tiny ponytail!
 Standing up to everything at 9 and a half months. Cutest little naked bum!

 Climbing onto the dishwasher all by herself. Look at this expression... it's like she knew she was getting into mischief.

 Her favorite trick right now is "Soooo big!" She also waves bye bye.

Spring Break Horse Riding (pt. 3)

Toward the end of the week, I went to go watch Kamrie's cheerleading tryout. She did so great and ended up making the team. Go Kamrie!

Our last day of Spring Break was spent riding Kim Rignell's horse, Jingle. They also borrowed a pony named Dancer. I think my boys would have liked to ride all day long if they could. Kim was so nice to show the kids how to brush, feed, clean their hooves, and she even let the kids paint their handprints on Jingle. It was such a great day for a horse ride!

 Nolan riding on the pony, Dancer.

 Ez looked so tiny way up on Jingle's back. She's a tall horse.

 Giving bare back a try.

Pretty soon, the stomach flu set in. First Ryan and Travis fell victim, and then it was Ezra. When Travis lost his breakfast all over Grandma's nicest couch, we decided that we had to get home no matter what. Poor Lacey rode in the back of the van with the sickies. Lucy got sick on the drive home. It was a good thing we made it, because that night the rest of us got sick. It was a bad one! But luckily we had enjoyed a wonderful week.

More Spring Break Fun (pt. 2)

On Tuesday we went to the Children's Museum. It was new to Lacey's kids, and Lucy was now old enough to enjoy some of it.

After a quick lunch, the big kids decided to go swimming with Lacey. Ezra didn't want any part of it (after his near-drowning) so I took him and Lucy to the Main Street splash park. The day was beautiful but the water was pretty cold. Ezra still had a good time running around.
That night we were able to have a picnic with my cousin, Aubrey, and her kids (Gavin, Avery, and Jovie). It's always good to catch up with her. I wish we lived closer; she is so fun to talk to! It was a great new park we visited. There was a cool spinning thing that even the mommies liked! Nolan was a master at staying on the longest. I immediately began getting calluses on my hands, which brought back memories of the monkey bars in elementary school.

Nolan wins again!

It's between Nolan and Kendyll.
Nolan and the big boys:
Later that week, we did some more swimming and Ezra said he would not be going. He kept saying, "It's not because I'm scared! I just don't want to swim!" Well, after getting to the pool he decided to get in after all. He stayed on the steps mostly, but I was glad that he wasn't so scared that he didn't go at all. He and Travis are such good little buddies.