Sunday, April 27, 2014

Farewell Trip

Justin was complaining to me that our blog is "stale." Yes, it has been a long time since posting! At the end of February, we traveled to the cabin for one last trip. It was sold soon after to the Heaton family in Alton. My Dad will be starting on a new (and smaller) place near Park City. As excited as we are to have a place that is much closer for us to visit, we are sad to see the cabin go. We had so many wonderful family trips with all of us there. Whenever we wanted to relax, that's where we wanted to be. And it has been the place where the cousins have become good friends. We'll miss it!
Nolan was taking too long of a snooze (the cabin is like a drug... you can't help but take naps) so we had Lucy wake him up. He was pretty happy to wake up to that little face. They shared a snuggle for a bit, too.


 One of Nolan's favorite things at the cabin lately: using the bow 'n arrow (not as dangerous as it looks).

 Family game time was always a tradition. Take note of the giant mess of dominoes that was always on the floor. It was never worth cleaning up until just before leaving... they always ended up being scattered about again!

 Meal time! This is MaKaylee, Blake's girlfriend. In the beginning Ezra was kind of rude to her. He said, "I just don't like that visitor!" But he warmed up soon enough and then decided that he was in love with her. She was a good sport to let him follow her around like a little puppy dog.
I asked Nolan to show me how he feels about Grandpa selling the cabin.
 The kids sure like the lofts that were in each room. They really weren't used too much because we were always a little nervous about them going up and down the ladders. But we let them visit all the lofts one last time.

 The view of the pink cliffs.

 The cabin was sold fully furnished, but there was still a truck load of stuff to pack up and store in the giant garage at Lacey's new house. Nolan was excited that he got to ride in the truck with Grandpa on the way back home.
 The family's last trip. Lucy was already snoozing in the car. Lacey's family had recently visited the cabin with their friends so they didn't join us on this trip. Farewell, cabin!

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