Saturday, July 5, 2014

May in Review

I'm behind again on blogging so I'll let the pictures tell the story as much as possible. Here's what May looked like for our family. There was plenty to keep us busy!

Lucy was cute, cute, cute all month! She is a peaceful and happy joy in our family. Her hair is coming in so thick lately. One day it got quiet and I found her fast asleep cuddling with a pair of Nolan's underwear. Don't worry, she DOES have a beloved blankie that she typically snuggles with. 
Nolan had his second piano recital. He played "Arkansas Traveler" and did a wonderful job. Practicing is sometimes a battle but we're so proud of the progress he has made! Suzanne Richins is an awesome teacher.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day, despite being asked to speak in church. Justin also had to speak. Kathi came to listen and watch the kids during the meeting. I had a glorious afternoon nap and the kids gave me some sentimental gifts. What more could I ask for? Nolan made homemade donuts at school for my gift and was excited to teach me how to make them. Yum! 
Nolan was pleased with his straw creation and used it to drink a large glass of milk.
Nolan gave his "expert report" on electrical circuits and whether water conducts electricity. He used his electronics set and gave a great presentation. He's our little scientist!
Ezra graduated from Miss Susan's preschool. He was darling up there and participated happily during the program. He was feeling especially expressive that day, I think. It helped that he got to sit between his best friends: Tabitha and Brynley. Miss Susan Wilson was the perfect teacher for Ez. We had a good time at the preschool water party, too. 
Lucy's favorite toy: Ezra's shoes. 

Baseball season wrapped up. Nolan had Coach Tim Carroll and played pretty well this year. He is a good hitter but doesn't love the outfield. Catching is a challenge and he'd rather just play in the dirt or watch the birds! He gets that from his Dad. I just love him in those pin stripe pants! 
These are what we call his "outfield antics." 
Father and Sons campout was fun. It was at Stansbury Island. Lucy and I enjoyed a quiet evening together. I'm looking at these pictures and realizing their haircuts were long overdue!
Justin and the boys have been spending lots of time with Miguel and his kids, as they are going through a difficult divorce. Nolan discovered that his favorite restaurant is Chuck-a-rama and loved the freedom of choosing 6 desserts on his own. 
Nolan had a field trip to the capitol bldg. and wanted to take us there as a family. It was fun pretending to be tourists. We even got to see a wedding that was taking place. We stopped in at the children's museum and also got some ice cream.

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